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Equip your staff with the knowledge and expertise to easily recognize even the most advanced phishing attempts and report on them right away.
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Phishing Protection & User Security Awareness (PhishMe)

Equip your staff with the knowledge and expertise to easily recognize even the most advanced phishing attempts and report on them right away.
Equip your staff with the knowledge and expertise to easily recognize even the most advanced phishing attempts and report on them right away.

The Need to Guard Against Phishing in Saudi Arabia

Phishing, spoofing and business email compromise (BEC), besides other social engineering attacks, are becoming increasingly common and more sophisticated. Because such malicious activities can be cleverly tailored based on human interactions, it becomes increasingly harder - even for Saudi organizations having IT network defenses in place to detect and defend against them.

By taking advantage of human error, rather than software or operating system vulnerabilities, attackers know they have better chances to trick users into believing them as a trusted source in an electronic communication, which results in compromising confidential information, providing access to organizational finances or facilitating technical attacks on a company's network. After all, most cyber-attacks are caused as the result of a successful phishing email.

Phishing emails with convincing social engineering schemes can lead not only to leaks of sensitive information, but also potentially enormous financial losses. Phishing emails have continued to be a serious threat to Saudi businesses of all industries; they're responsible for 94% of ransomware and $132,000 per Business Email Compromise incident.

So, what can you do to help prevent falling a victim when your technology can't keep pace with attackers? Empower and condition your employees to detect phishing attempts through exposure to real threat simulations with Cofense PhishMe.

PhishMe - The Game Changer in Cyber Security Awareness

Prevention is better than cure; therefore, training your staff how to spot and avoid a camouflaged phishing or social engineering attack is vital to your cyber health. When you promote awareness of the scam techniques used by attackers, your employees will be less likely to fall for them. After all, your employees - as a second line of defense after technical measures - have a role to play in keeping the organization secure by not falling for, or being tricked by, spear phishing.

As a strategic partner with Cofense, the market leader in online security, Ctelecoms can expertly utilize PhishMe to help Saudi companies of all sizes and industries to dramatically reduce the risks of phishing and related attacks caused by human error - while also giving users the skills and awareness to spot and report threats.

How does Cofense PhishMe work?

Built on the world's largest data lake of phishing threats found by real people, Cofense PhishMe combines the power of human detection with an automated response, enabling your teams to stop phishing attacks in minutes.

It all begins by customizing a series of automated, real-life phishing simulations to help your employees safely experience what an attack might look and feel like - along with related security training so they understand wider threats, know how to report and enforce best practice and, ultimately, reduce the risk of a successful attack or breach.

PhishMe tracks the campaign and reports who opened the message and who clicked on the message links. You can then educate your users by directing them to the free educational content provided by Ctelecoms & Cofense. It's advanced phishing prevention technology augmented with collective human intelligence - the first solution purpose - built to quickly detect and stop phish that evades secure email gateways and reaches the inbox.

  • Built-in phishing playbooks
  • One-click reporting for suspect emails
  • Customizable training scenarios
  • Enhanced analytics and performance tracking

What Makes PhishMe The Best Phishing Simulation Solution?

Cofense PhishMe is designed to change risky behavior and enable employees to recognize and report phishing emails. The Cofense methodology deliver hands-on experience with safe examples and on-the-spot education opportunities. The Cofense research teams use real phishing emails to create timely examples and content focused on today's greatest threats such as: 

  • Ransomware
  • Business Email Compromise (BEC)
  • Spear phishing attacks
  • Social engineering attacks
  • Malware and malicious attachments
  • Drive-by attacks
  • Advanced conversational phishing attacks
  • Credential Phishing
  • HTTPS Spoofing

Cofense PhishMe simulates those active phishing threats to condition smarter user behavior. It's the opposite of phish testing, which assesses vulnerability but fails to change behavior through continual learning. Unlike machines, humans can't be patched. People remain aware of threats through phishing awareness training, practicing regularly, and remaining invested in organizational defense.

Strengthen your defenses

Investing in expensive technology won't matter if your employees are unable to recognize phishing attempts or don't know what to do if they've been targeted. With PhishMe, you can teach staff how phishing attacks work, the latest tactics employed by cyber criminals and what to do when they're targeted.

Promote Cyber-security Awareness

Embed a culture of security awareness throughout your organization, while highlighting the damage that a successful phishing attempt could have across the business.

Protect your brand and data assets

Prevent a data breach or security incident by training your staff so they can actively help to mitigate the risk.

Stay abreast of latest threats

Because threat actors constantly innovate, Cofense offers simulations based on their latest tactics. Our Active Threat scenarios create the most relevant learning moments. Plus, our new SEG Misses filter lets you deploy phishing scenarios that have bypassed perimeter solutions, similar to those deployed at your organization.

Manage Your Phishing Awareness Training Program Efficiently

Cofense PhishMe Playbooks let you configure a full 12-month program phishing simulation scenarios, landing pages, attachments, and educational content - in just a few clicks. Our Smart Suggest capability uses advanced algorithms and embedded best practices to recommend scenarios based on current active threats, industry relevance, and your program's history.

Reach and Train More Users

With Cofense PhishMe Responsive Delivery, you can maximize user engagement by sending phishing awareness emails to employees when they are active in email. Responsive Delivery also eliminates whitelisting and helps reach users across multiple shifts and time zones.

The Future of Cyber Security Awareness is Here, and Now It's Better than Ever!

Ensure your staff receive appropriate awareness training and have them fully prepared to detect a phishing email and report it immediately so internal security teams can prioritize, analyze, and act on it fast.

Start your free PhishMe trial today!

Have Other Cyber Security Concerns?

Situated at the heart of KSA (Jeddah, Riyadh & Western Saudi Arabia), Ctelecoms provide a wide range of IT and cyber security solutions at the best price to help give Saudi businesses and organizations peace of mind knowing they have the latest, most efficient cyber-security technology in the market. If you're not sure about the IT security solution that best fits your requirements, you can take advantage of our free Security Assessment Service.