Home Blog Advantages of Virtualization & Why It Is Essential For Many Businesses

Advantages of Virtualization & Why It Is Essential For Many Businesses

 2020/12/07   Computing & Hyper-converged Infrastructure Solutions   2405 visit(s)



Virtualization is the core of cloud computing. By separating compute environments from physical infrastructures, virtualization enables users to run multiple operating systems and applications simultaneously on the same machine. For example, if you do most of your work on a Mac but use select applications that are exclusive to PCs, you can run Windows on a virtual machine to get access to those applications without having to switch computers.
"Virtualization software … enables businesses to reduce IT costs while increasing the efficiency, utilization and flexibility of their existing computer hardware," said Mike Adams, senior director of cloud platform product marketing at VMware.
Virtualization has many practical applications. Here are a number of advantages that can be gained for each.

Advantages of Virtualization

Efficient Resource Utilization

One of the biggest benefits of virtualization is sever consolidation. Instead of maintaining multiple servers that each have a different function, server virtualization allows you to split the resources of a single server for multiple purposes. Often server resources are underutilized, resulting in businesses spending too much on server upkeep for a little output.
Virtualization enables businesses to get the most out of their investment in hardware and resources. "As customer data center environments grow in size and complexity, managing it becomes a burden," Adams said. "Virtualization can greatly help reduce this complexity by offering resource management capabilities to help increase efficiencies in these virtual environments."
In contrast, traditional infrastructures that use multiple servers don't make the most out of their setups. "Many of those servers would typically not utilize more than 2 to 10 percent of the server hardware resources," said John Livesay, vice president of Infranet Technologies, a network infrastructure services provider. "With virtualization, we can now run multiple virtual servers on a single virtual host [and make] better use of the resources available."

Massive Cost Reductions

Virtualization helps businesses reduce costs in several ways, including:
  • Capital expenditure savings. Reduce IT costs by requiring fewer hardware servers and related resources to achieve the same level of computing performance, availability and scalability.
  • Operational expenditure savings. Once servers are virtualized, your IT staff can greatly reduce the ongoing administration and management of manual, time-consuming processes by automating operations, thus resulting in lower operational expenses.
  • Data center and energy-efficiency savings. As companies reduce the size of their hardware and server footprint, they lower their energy consumption, cooling power and data center square footage, thus resulting in lower costs. 
Virtualization also offers several benefits for businesses with limited funds. It helps them stay on budget by eliminating the need to invest in tons of hardware. Creating virtual environments to work in also helps businesses with limited IT staff automate routine tasks and centralize resource management. Further, employees can access their data anytime, anywhere, using any device. 

Software Development & Testing

Virtualization allows software developers to test out their applications on different environments without having to set up several different computers. If the application crashes on the virtual machine, they can simply close and restart the virtual machine to a previous state without causing damage to their computer.

Choose a Reliable IT Solutions Provider in Saudi Arabia to Virtualize Your Environment

While virtualisation in general can bring you many advantages, VMware virtualisation solutions are second to none. Built on a robust foundation proven in production environments, our VMware solutions keep IT management simple and secure to save you time and give you peace of mind. They can be integrated with your overall IT infrastructure and existing management tools. The end result is simplified IT management, lower costs and the flexibility to support your mobile workforce.
Ready to get started? Request your VMware solution from Ctelecoms today!

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