عندما يتعلق الأمر بالأمن السيبراني، تميل معظم الشركات الصغيرة والمتوسطة للإعتقاد بأنه لن يتم استهدافها، ولكن في ظل جائحة كورونا أصبح الجميع مستهدفون أكثر من أي وقت مضى، خاصة في ظل تزايد الحاجة للعمل عن بعد واستخدام شبكات غير محمية، ناهيك عن ازدياد حدة الهجمات الإلكترونية ومحاولات الإختراق عن طريق التصيّد والإنتحال والخداع الإلكتروني وغيرها.
While firewalls and email protection tools are quite useful as a strong line of defense against a wide range of malicious threats and cyber-attacks, only proper user awareness counts when it comes to the indirect, virus-free email scams that trick users into unknowingly giving up information to an outsider..
Cisco Call Manager brings people together anytime, anywhere, and on any device with Cisco's integrated collaboration infrastructure for voice and video calling, messaging, and mobility...
Just as terrifying as it sounds, a data breach comes as a result of a cyberattack that enables cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to a computer system or network and steal any private, sensitive, or confidential personal and financial data of the customers or users within the network.
For many business owners in Saudi Arabia, managing the IT infrastructure that keeps their business running can be a very complex and intimidating undertaking. That's exactly where an MSP can help.
Just a while ago, I was working on a project migrating users from Lotus Domino IBM email system to Office 365. At that point, I encountered a strange issue after moving a certain number of users to Office 365.